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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on helmikuu, 2012.

To study, to write, to publish ?

Dr Med Sci Hanna Nohynek writes in Suomen Lääkärilehti - Finnish Medical Journal - for two weeks ago how her study in certain vaccines has not been accepted by a medical journal in U.S. and by Lancet in Britain. I presume that article is then not published - at the moment. There's a question : Why don't she and her colleaques publish that article in a scientific blog, at least ? Why should one accept conservative and slow system of scientific publishing if you have something important to say ? At least you should tell the relevant people what you are doing and what your study shows. They certainly estimate the value of the findings. My article about "medial prehension" was not either published in scientific journals to which I sent it for some years ago. It's here now :  You're wellcome !

Singing is a Medicine - a Good One !

Dear Guests :  Singing is one of the really good medicines. Two links which pay attention to the value of singing :  The link of singer and regisseur Wiebke Hoogklimmer is worth to see :   It is about German Folk Songs as therapy for people suffering from dementia (Alzheimer's disease). It is Kalevala day today in Finland.  Here is a link to my own singing too : "Laulu veret värähyttää" - meaning about "Song makes my blood to quiver".  It is a song to a Kalevala poem measure - my words and melody.   And now we'll sing .. ! By the way :  Music can be medicine, and music - and other arts - can be made by "medicine men".  Look here :

What is the task of science ? Mikä on tieteen tehtävä ?


Blacksmith / Seppä / Smed Karl-Johan Nyström, Pensala

Blacksmith / Seppä / Smed Karl-Johan Nyström, Pensala, Finland Topmost photo : Blacksmith Karl-Johan Nyström on a corn field road near his home and his smithery on a sunny day in June 1982. In the scenery behind him you can see grey hay barns typical for Ostrobothnia. Near him on the ground there's an instrument for cutting of iron wires.   Photo above : The smith demonstrates his work with a coarse forging equipment that he has built in his smithery in Pensala in Ostrobothnia.  With his right foot he adjusts the busy hammering of the construction on and off. One of his favorite products was to forge u-shaped "märlor" - fasteners to e.g.  barn doors.  (Photos : A. Hernesniemi). Ylin kuva : Seppä Karl-Johan Nyström peltotiellä talonsa lähellä aurinkoisena päivänä kesäkuussa 1982 Pensalassa. Takana näkyy Pohjanmaalle tyypillisiä harm...

The scientific approach in ethno-medicine in Ostrobothnia by Dr Antti Hernesniemi

There are many important persons which I have met, interviewed, photographed and co-worked with during my study in ethno-medicine in Ostrobothnia.     Bonesetters, cuppers, herbalists; earth radiation revealers, healers with healing hands . And others. Many of them showed interesting, special skills which the Western medicine doesn’t know. My both parents come from Kannus. I   was born there in 1950. Therefrom our family moved, through Köyhäjoki in Kaustinen and Aitoo in Luopioinen, to Ruovesi, in Northern Häme , in 1956. I went to school there and became a student. There I learned the basic skills with piano and played in a teen agers’ guitar band and a jazz band. Some of these Ostrobothnian persons, since 1981 ,were especially impressive to me, a young but   curious   scholar of folk traditions. Mrs. Ina Känsälä (born Nygren , from Nedervetil ) , an indigenous bonesetter who lived in Kaustinen,   became the central figure of my m...

Should scholars be responsible ... of something ? Onko tutkijoilla vastuuta ... jostakin ?

  Copyright A. Hernesniemi  

EthnoDrawings by Dr A Hernesniemi : Bonesetter - "jäsenkorjaaja" - from Ostrobothnia, Finland

  Fig. 1. Bonesetter Mr Arvi. In this "positiographical drawing" Ostrobothnian bonesetter Mr Arvi Louko from Ylistaro presents his idea of functioning of a joint with his hands. The drawing is b ased on a narrow gauge S-8 film recorded by Mr Anders Nordström with the author at the second visit to the bonesetter in 1981. This drawing is made with the "medial prehension" drawing method during "positiographical cinemanalysis"  (Hernesniemi 1999). Piirros 1. Jäsenkorjaaja Arvi. Tässä positiografia-piirroksessa pohjalainen jäsenkorjaaja Arvi Louko  Ylistarosta havainnoi käsillään kertomustaan nivelen liikkeestä.  Piirros perustuu  insinööri Anders Nordströmin ja tekijän kuvaamaan kaitafilmiin. Tapasimme jäsenkorjaajan hänen kotonaan Ylistarossa vuonna 1981.  Olen tehnyt tämän piirroksen kuvaamallani "mediaali-ote"-piirtämismenetelmällä positiog...

Sivujeni Lukijoille - Dear Readers

Hyvät Sivujeni Lukijat :   Mukava että teitä on käynyt aika paljon katsastamassa näitä sivujani. Tarkoitukseni on hiljakseen tuoda tänne erilaisia asioita tieteen parista. Nimensä mukaisesti tälle blogille tulee lähinnä etno-tieteiden asioita.  Olen kiinnostunut teidän palautteestanne. Voit lähettää ne suoraan sivulle tai minulle alla olevaan osoitteeseen. Hyvää viikkoa, Antti Hernesniemi Lääket. tri Musiikkitieteen maisteri-linjan opiskelija Turku Dear Readers :   It's nice that you have been visiting my pages. I'm going to bring new things here, little by little. I'm interested about your comments.  Please send them to this blog or directly to me. Best regards, Antti Hernesniemi Dr Med Sci Master-line student in musicology Turku Finland antti.hernesniemi@fimnet.f   

Tiivistelmä "mediaali-ote"-esityksestä. Helsinki 2002.

Hernesniemi, A : Uusi menetelmä kirjoittamiseen ja piirtämiseen:   "mediaali-ote"     ("Medial Prehension", a New Method of Holding Pen During Writing and Drawing).    Poster. Lääkäripäivät; Messukeskus, Helsinki, 6.-10.1. 2002. Lapsille on kauan opetettu   perinteinen kirjoittamis- ja piirtämisote, "radiaali-ote",   jossa   kynä laitetaan peukalon ja etusormen väliin. Tässä työssä esittelen uuden   kynääntarttumis- ja kirjoitusmenetelmän, “mediaali-otteen” .   Sitä voi käyttää myös sondimaisilla   instrumenteilla työskentelyyn. Kynän (instrumentin) varsi laitetaan etu- ja keskisormen (tai keski- ja nimettömän sormen) väliseen hankaan ja kynän (instrumentin) kärkeä pidetään peukalon, etu- ja keskisormen välissä - samojen sormien välissä kuin perinteisessä radiaali-otteessa.   Mediaali-otteen edut radiaali-otteeseen verrattuna ovat seuraavat: Kun kirjoittaja, piirtäjä tai pitkänomaisella instrumentilla operoiv...

Update Dec. 2013 : More about "medial prehension" - "Mediaali-ote" ja kynä

My pioneer approach in the article/poster you have read here, was not any experimental one. To shed light on this area, I wanted to interview some voluntary persons which contacted me and which had been using "medial prehension" - as I call it. This area is TOTALLY uninvestigated. Therefore I wanted to get some " first glance view", some clarity on this interesting situation in the pedagogical field.  Finnish school teachers have not been interested about the ways we learn to use our most important instrument, pen or pencil. Not even teachers of drawing and painting at academies. This item - how we use the pen - is of uttermost importance.  With this grasp, this grip we decide how our brain, our thinking, our creativity develops. Best regards, Dr. Antti S Hernesniemi Turku Finland The author has used "medial prehension" drawing and writing method since 1995 when he found it - not as the first inventor, as he  soon could notice...

Dear Readers

Dear Readers : I am a Doctor of Medical Science specialized in the Finnish ethnomedicine. During my studies in the Ostrobothnian bonesetters in Finland in 1980's and 1990's, I was  surprised of the practicality and beauty of the working of some of them. Therefore I wanted to find a way to present their work and their hand movements in a more distinct way than what I could find presented in the relevant literature. So I developed a pictorial method to study narrow gauge 8 mm movie films. At that time I had recorded with the help of these practical - but today almost forgotten - colourful and impressive films these common folk therapists' collaborations with their patiens.  The details of the study are presented for the first time in my medical thesis "Presentation of  bonesetter-patient collaboration through positiographical cinemanalysis" (Hernesniemi 1999). Some of the essential details of the method are...

"Medial prehension" in "Positiographical Cinemanalysis" by A Hernesniemi

Hernesniemi, A. Presentation of Bonesetter-Patient Collaboration through   Positiographical Cinemanalysis .   Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. Series D Medica 538. Oulu University Press. 1999. Co-operation work of bonesetters, folk therapists of pain and other muscular and joint ailments, with their patients, has usually been presented by means of the photographs and drawings, and the documentary film, and with the terminology specific to manual medicine. The objective of this study was to present an 8 mm documentary film, recorded at a bonesetter-patient collaboration, through a modified application of cinemanalysis, presented by Arnold Gesell in 1935, by developing concepts and a method to study movie film with free-hand drawing. Collaboration was recorded on an 8 mm movie film in Finland in 1981. The author examined the 7173 frames of the five-minute film through an editor viewer and drew 80 sketches on an opaque paper of the bonesetter/patient in such positions of t...

"Medial prehension", a new pen method - Mediaali-ote, uusi kynämetodi

Look at this video too : * * * Antti Hernesniemi, Dr Med Sci   "Medial prehension",   a new method   of holding a pen during writing and drawing (*) Young pupils have, for innumerable generations, learned the conventional prehension of   holding a pen in writing and drawing. This grasp is referred to here as "radial prehension"   (R-prehension; presented as seen radially in a drawing, Fig. 1-1). In R-prehension, the writer/drawer holds the shaft of   the pen, supporting it on the area between the first and   second fingers   -   the first interosseus muscle area - and the head of the pen between the   palmar surfaces of the first finger (thumb), the second (index) finger and the radial side of   the third finger. In this article, a new method known as "medial prehension" (M-prehension)   is presented (seen radially in a ...