Dr Med Sci Hanna Nohynek writes in Suomen Lääkärilehti - Finnish Medical Journal - for two weeks ago how her study in certain vaccines has not been accepted by a medical journal in U.S. and by Lancet in Britain. I presume that article is then not published - at the moment. There's a question : Why don't she and her colleaques publish that article in a scientific blog, at least ? Why should one accept conservative and slow system of scientific publishing if you have something important to say ? At least you should tell the relevant people what you are doing and what your study shows. They certainly estimate the value of the findings. My article about "medial prehension" was not either published in scientific journals to which I sent it for some years ago. It's here now : You're wellcome !
Dr Med Sci, Master of Arts (musicology)and Composer-pianist Antti Samuli Hernesniemi presents results of his studies in medicine, music and other topics in Finland. / Tutkimusta kansan lääkinnästä ja musiikista Suomessa ja maailmalla. Municipalities for the study / Paikkakuntia mm. Kannus, Uusikaarlepyy, Evijärvi, Ylistaro, Ähtävä, Ullava, Alaveteli ja Kaustinen. Lapinlahti, Varpaisjärvi, Korpijärvi. Ruovesi. Helsinki. Espoo. Tampere./