About certain manipulative therapies to treat peoples' ailments
1 About "Fascial manipulation" - "The Stecco method"
I participated in a seminar arranged by The Society for Musicians' Medicine in Finland on 13th October in Tampere, Finland. The seminar was well organized and consisted mostly of well prepared lectures about relevant topics. There was a lecture about the role of fascial manipulation in the treatment of certain ailments by musicians. The topic was a proper one. The lecturer was not however focused enough on the scientific essence of the item.
I have studies profoundly the treatment methods of Finnish "bonesetters", they are indigenous folk healers - manual therapists. My objects were living and working in Middle and Southern Ostrobothnia. It seems now that these bonesetters (they are called locally e.g. jäsenkorjaaja, nikamakäsittelijä, huuslaakari, luutohtori, jäsenmestari, tilottaja etc. in Finnish; bendoktor, klövryckare etc. in Swedish) have since long ago been using methods which seem to be analogical to methods presented recently by "fascia manipulators" - called e.g. "the Stecco method".
I have presented my results concerning Finnish bonesetters' manual treatment methods by various musculo-skeletal ailments in my medical thesis (1999) and in various articles. A central family in this respect has been Nygren family from Alaveteli, Nedervetil in Swedish, in Middle Ostrobothnia.
Mrs. Ina Nygren-Känsälä who lived in the village of Paavola, in Kaustinen, is a central person whose methods I studied in my medical thesis.
More about this item will come later.
Please, feel free to ask or comment !
Antti Hernesniemi
Dr. Med. Sci
MA (musicology)
E-mail: Antti.Hernesniemi@sll.fimnet.fi
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Tutkimukseni osoittavat että suomalaiset "jäsenkorjaajat" Keski-Pohjanmaalla suorittivat nykyään esiteltyä "faskiaali-manipulaatiota" jo 1900-luvun alkuvuosikymmenillä.
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